Saturday 1 June 2024

I’ve a few today…..with lots of oops!

 Hi there, I’ve a few to share today….this is my favourite,

as I did have some problems along the way….

You can see I was a bit off the mark stamping the infill..

Here was another attempt which wasn’t much better.

I did finish them off because it created an unintended highlight.

I even tried stamping the infill before the outline, still not much better.
Maybe the light wasn’t good, and I know my eyes are getting worse. (cataracts)

The next one was my least favourite, even my fussy cutting wasn’t good.
I was probably rushing it too, as time was short.

Enjoyed using up some old foiled plaid papers…

I’m hoping someone will appreciate them!

Have a great weekend



Thanks for taking the time to visit, and I really appreciate your comments. 


  1. We are always our own harshest critic and I'm sure anyone who doesn't make cards wouldn't notice that the images are slightly off register. As you say it does look like an intentional highlight. It is a lovely design and the plaid paper is really nice to set off the image. Hope you get your cataracts dealt with promptly - amazing what a difference it makes once they are dealt with.

  2. I love each one and the unintended highlight really works well. Xxx


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